Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Goals in life, what they should have taught you

Growing up, I had these in mind:

1. Study hard, must get all As in exams.
2. Get into a good, well-recognised, expensive yet flowing-with-coolness university.
3. Learn to drive, maintain that probation license and don't ran into accidents where you are the cause of it.
4. Get a good job, so that you can spend, spend and spend more!
5. If you're going to get boyfriends, he must be hot, cute, from a rich family, has a car or gutsy enough to drive his parents' car to bring you out on dates. (note the usage of plural there)
6. Latest handphones and gadgets are THE main accessories. Other accessories like bling bling are a must as well.
7. Learn to cook if you must, but keep all the delivery numbers close by.
8. Once I have a job, must get a car and a house.
9. Life's too short! Bikinis and beach, here I come!
10. Hair must always be fabulous, spending money in saloons are required.

Now, I realised it should have been all these.
Alhamdulillah, these are what I'm focusing at for the moment (and hopefully it gets better as I age):

1. To cover my aurah and wear modest clothes for the sake of my Creator and not for the fashion of it.
2. Achieving daily mission of completing 5-times prayers.
3. Reciting correctly and understanding the meaning of the Quran, especially surah Al-Fatihah.
4. To not fear death and accept it wholly as it's only a 'holiday' ticket for you before the Judgement Day.
5. Working hard to enter Jannah or the heaven/paradise because it is so cool, wonderful and amazing, you wonder why you didn't yearn to enter it before. All you could think of is Hell and what it will do to you, but even so you were ignorant back then.
6. To not be so obsessed with dunya and to think more of hereafter.

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