Since my journey started two years back in becoming closer to Allah S.W.T., I realised there are so many world-ly things that are not thatttt important at all. I used to check out myself everytime I walk past by a shop where I can see my reflection, always and constantly aware of what people might think of me. Oh, and don't get me started what I would wear when I'm downright lazy. Sweatpants? Yes. Worn and have-not-seen-the-waching-machine T-shirts? Yes. BUT my hair must always be neat, will always put some talcum powder on my face to make it look brighter and not oily and just that tiny bit of gloss. And when there's time, light mascara as well.
And what I used to wear for my beach vacay? Ugh. *cringe*
So you see, when I started going through these changes and realised how vain I was for the sake of humankind and not for my creator, it really did put a big slap on my face.
I still remember these words clearly when I went to Michael Buble's concert in Malaysia back in March 2011;
"Now I want everyone to get up and just dance. Look to the person next to you, on your left and your right. In front and at the back. You're not gonna meet them tomorrow or next year. Heck, they won't even remember you. So just get up and dance when you feel like it."
That. Echoes in my head. Till now. He's right. Who cares if people look at you? Well, that's the darnedest thing. We do care. And it has been so hard to not care. I guess the reason being is that we see these people but we don't see God. It goes back to how strong how faith really is.
In light of this, I came up with an "Even if" list that I think helped me quite a lot. I hope it will also help you as well.
Even if...
- my hair is downright ugly and matted and there's no bounce or life or shine after I've taken off my hijab at the end of the day, I know that my hair will be extremely gorgeous in Jannah, more beautiful than any human can ever imagine BECAUSE I covered my aurah for Allah SWT.
- my armpits and all sorts of folded area of my body is sweaty and uncomfortable from wearing modest clothes that are of think material, I know that I will feel the coolness of the wind, more cool than any air-conditioner mankind in the hereafter will ever make BECAUSE I covered my aurah for Allah SWT.
- I am seen as not cool due to I can't speak any foreign language fluently or talks in such a oh-she's-so-chic manner, I know the only words that I need to know by heart (for now) is the three main questions that will be asked in Arabic once you are buried and those attending your funeral walks away to leave you with His Angels, Mungkar and Nangkir BECAUSE I want to be accepted by His side and enter Jannah.
To further elaborate on this, please refer to the following excerpt. Please do correct me if I'm wrong.
With great strength and a deep voice, they ask these 3 questions:
"Man Rabbuka" meaning "Who is your Lord?"
"Maa Deenuka" meaning "What is your religion?"
"Maa kunta taqul fee hajr rajl" meaning "What did you use to say about this person?"
And you should answer,
"Rabballah" meaning "My Lord is Allah"
"Deenil Islam" meaning "My religion is Islam"
"Huwa Rasulullahi Sallahualahi Wassalam" meaning "This is Allah's Messenger, He has been embraced with Allah Ta'ala's Mercy, greetings to him"
Then, a Voice from the skies will be heard saying,
"My servant has said the truth. Lay the tablecloth of Paradise for him. Give him clothes from Paradise to wear and open the doors of Jannah for him." The cool air and the sweet fragrance of Jannah will continue to come and wherever the eyesight can reach, the grave will be made wide and large. Angels will say, "Sleep like a groom sleeps."
How can we not the amazing-ness of this? Wouldn't you want this to happen to you when you leave this world? I want! And I'm chasing my very best to achieve this. However, I must also highlight to those who are not able to answer the questions, subhanAllah.
For the sinful, there will be punishment according to their sins, this will continue for a time. Then, from the prayers of the pious or from "Esaale Sawaab" (good acts performed by people for the dead's forgiveness) or from prayers for their forgiveness or simply from the Mercy of Allah Ta'ala, this punishment will stop. Then, there will be a relaxation.
If the dead is a Kaafir, then he will not be able to answer the questions and will say,
"Haa Haa Ladri" meaning "Shame for I know nothing"
Now a caller will shout, "He is a liar, lay the table-cloth of fire for him, and give him clothes of fire to wear and open the doors of Hell for him, from which the heat of Hell will reach him."
There will be two Angels allocated to him to give him punishment and will hit him with great, big hammers. Big scorpions and snakes will also bite him. All different kinds of punishment will continue until the Day of Resurrection.
Masya Allah, I pray that none of our brothers or sisters or our parents and loved ones have to go through this.
And finally, the one thing that I've put on my "Even if" list is that I am now more acceptive towards death as I fear more of Allah SWT and the sins that I have done in the past. However, I have accepted that dying is just a long holiday (whether it will be pleasant or a torment depends on our sincerity in our deeds) until the time comes for all of us to be united.
Let us start to equip ourselves for the hereafter. Let us start to collect rations that will help us in lightening our punishment. Let us put our life and the world today at number 2 and bring our religion to number 1. Insya-Allah.