Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Makes me smile... and to be grateful in life :)

I love...

- the smell of grass after the heavy rainfall.

- old couples holding hands.

- old couples figthing but determined to not let go of each other's hands.

- sweet kisses on my forehead, hair and cheeks.

- chocolate chip cookies.

- long, hot shower.

- scruffiness on few days of unshaven. ggrr.

- a day at the gym.

- buying a new look (shoes, pants, top, etc) during a sale.

- laughing out loud without considering the 'ashamed' stares from others while with my girlfriends.

- hugging my nieces and nephews while they sleep with their mouth open.

- it when a guy takes the time and effort to be good in dancing.

- being a perfectionist.

- dreaming dreams that a Muslimah can achieve the unconditional goals one day in religion and in this world.

- it when a guy walks up to me and confidently says that he likes me, with a big smile INSTEAD of fantasizing of my boobs.

- a perfect fit lingerie.

- a nice smile from a stranger.

- it when a guy stammers out of nervous, just trying to string those words together to tell you something that means the world to him.

- the purring that cat makes while it sleeps.

- it when I don't sleep for days trying to finish my assignments or tasks and when I do finish it, the rest are still struggling.

- travelling alone at a foreign country.

- having no financial worries.

On top of it, I love things that are traditionally written it will never happen to a woman because muslimah rocks! 


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